Cultural change of marriage customs in Sukkot community in the northern state of Sudan

Document Type : Original Article


1 MSc- Anthropology, Institute of African Research and Studies, Aswan University

2 Professor of Sociology, Faculty of Social Work, Aswan University

3 Lecturer of Cultural Anthropology, Faculty of Higher African Studies, Cairo University


Since societies existed and they are always striving to change 
their lives for the better, the change that societies have 
witnessed throughout history was not limited to one side 
without the other, but included all social building systems of 
relationships and systems and transgression to different 
lifestyles in terms of values, behavior, customs and traditions, 
in addition to All material and immaterial cultural elements, 
and because today's world is a world of rapid changes, a 
world in which traditional values have collapsed and 
constants have disappeared under the pretext of human rights 
and freedoms under the means of modern and continuous 
communication technology.
